[Patreon] Build 93 - "The Pooltoy Matriarch"

Howdy, Cadets!

It's time for another Friday build!

What's new?

  • Added approximately 7,000 words of new content!
  • 'The Scar'
    • Added the "Pooltoy Matriarch", a 25ft tall inflatable woman, and the boss of 'The Inflatable Beach'.
    • Her regular attacks must be dodged, and she has three heavy attacks that can be avoided using "Struggle", "Block" and "Dodge" respectively. Being hit by her heavy attack knocks you into her pool, and opens you up to some nasty (and unavoidable!!) attacks! When submerged, use strike to attack her nozzle and return to the safety of the poolside. You can also use "Struggle" to climb out as well!
    • She has a victory sex scene and a bad ending.
  • 'Luna' 
    • In the Sea Lab, you can now encounter past versions of yourself who succumbed to the Helmet and Slug encounters. If you've bad-ended to both, you can find two of your clones interacting as well.


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