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[Public] Build 146 - "Planet swap!"
March 03, 2025
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets Time for another planet swap! What's new? Planet swap! Taun (Tentacles and mutants), Metris-2 (Criminals), Metallicum (Test subjects) and La'ard (Weight-gain) have been disabled. Luna (W...
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[Supporters] Build 146 - Bugfix 1
March 02, 2025
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! I don't usually do separate posts for bugfixes, but Build 146 was a mess following the engine upgrade and I want to document all of the fixes! What's new? Fixed a game-breaking logic bu...
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[Supporters] Build 146 - "Expanded cloning system pt.1"
February 28, 2025
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! With almost 40% of the vote across Patreon and Subscribestar, "Expanded cloning system" will be the next development goal. What's new? Added approximately 5,000 words of new content. Mu...
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[Supporters] Build 145 - "Domoy Bounty Hunter"
February 14, 2025
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 6,000 words of new content. Domoy Added the 'Militia Base' scene. After recruiting Ivan, you can go here to ally with Domo...
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[Public] Build 144 - "Planet swap!"
February 07, 2025
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! The planets in the Demo build have been swapped! What's new? Domoy (BDSM), Karnivora (Vore), Procya (Slavery/Chastity), and Dionysus (Robots) have been disabled. Taun (Tentacles and mut...
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[Supporters] Build 144 - "Silva Bounty Hunter"
February 07, 2025
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 5,000 words of new content. Silva You can now talk with the head of the resort and get kidnapped afterwards. Neila and Mil...
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[Supporters] Build 143 - "Primed For Broadcast"
January 31, 2025
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 8,000 words of new content. Na'Ja Added the Broadcast Centre, a sort of psychic news-distribution building. Whore yourself...
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[Supporters] Build 142 - "Hacker onboard"
January 17, 2025
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build. Admittedly, my health hasn't been too great this week, so please let me know if you spot any typos or mistakes--I'll fix 'em asap! What's new? Added appro...
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[Supporters] Build 141 - "Mean Equines and Plump Pups"
January 10, 2025
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! This week's build is a smaller one, since I was travelling most of the week. Still, I hope you'll enjoy it! What's new Ship You can now invite your 'Happy Horse' android to sleep with y...
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[Public] Build 140 - "Planet swap!"
January 03, 2025
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! The planets in the Public Build have been swapped! What's new? Planet swap Taun (Tentacles and Gnolls), The Scar (Latex, Demons, Pool Toys), Luna (Werewolves and Aquatics) and La'ard (W...
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[Supporters] Build 140 - "Sloth, Sensitivity and Symbiotes"
January 03, 2025
Cottage Games
Happy New Year, Cadets! The first build of 2025 brings new encounters and artwork! What's new? Added approximately 5,000 words of new content. Na'Ja Added the 'Sensitivity Specialist', a massive wolf...
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[Supporters] Build 139 - "Pet slime"
December 27, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! This week's build is a small one, but brings two new encounters to Taun--one of which results in a new pet back on your ship! What's new? Added approximately 2,500 words of new content...
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[Supporters] Build 138 - "The Ghost Ship"
December 20, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build. What's new? Added approximately 5,000 words of new content. Miles Added a new scene were Miles can knock you up. After he's knocked you up, he'll sometime...
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[Supporters] Build 137 - "Plushified Predecessor"
December 13, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadet! This build adds a bunch of player suggestions that've been sitting in my backlog for a while now! What's new? Added approximately 3,500 words of new content. Ship Added a scene where Mil...
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[Public] Build 136 - "Planet swap!"
December 06, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Planet Swap! What's new? Planet's swapped Metris-2 (Criminals/Pirates), Na'Ja (Hypnosis), Sciurus Silva (Hyper) and Hedon (Muscle/Himbos) are now disabled. La'ard (Weig...
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[Supporters] Build 136 - "Dragon Bounty Hunter"
December 06, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! This one adds a bounty hunter to Hedon after you've allied with them! What's new? Added approximately 6,000 words of new content. Hedon After talking with...
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[Supporters] Build 135 - "The Mayor Of Hedon"
November 29, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 4,000 words of new content. Hedon Added "Mayoral building" to Hedon, where you can find Abram, a huge bear-bull and local...
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[Supporters] Build 134 - "Respawn 2.0"
November 22, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Today's update was originally going to be all about the Mayor of Hedon and associated story content, but I ended up working on something entirely different (And even cooler, I think!)...
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[Supporters] Build 133 - "More player suggestions!"
November 15, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! This week's update brings a ton of fixes and player requests. Check 'em out! What's new? Added approximately 7,000 words of new content. La'ard Miles can now be found at the Banquet on...
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[Supporters] Build 132 - "Gangster Stowaway"
November 08, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 6,000 words of new content Metris-2 After allying with 'The Sons Of Metris', a story event will fire the next time you lea...
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[Public] Build 131 - "Planet Swap!"
November 01, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! The planets in the Demo have been swapped! What's new? The Scar, Ovis, Procya and Dionysus Core have been disabled in the Demo Metris-2 (Pirates/drugs/mean content), Hedon (Muscles/Himb...
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[Supporters] Build 131 - "Phoenix"
November 01, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! This one adds a gang to Metris-2, as part of the Main Quest. What's new? Added approximately 6,000 words of new content. Metris-2 You can now ask the Bart...
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[Supporters] Build 130 - "Quest Log"
October 25, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 2,000 words of new content Quest Log Added a "Quests" button to the left-hand menu. After visiting a Planet--if the story...
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[Supporters] Build 129 - "Latex amalgam"
October 18, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 6,000 words of new content. The Scar Upon recruiting Oliver, the next time you leave 'The Scar', you'll encounter a story...
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[Supporters] Build 128 - "More player requests"
October 11, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! This build adds a bunch of player requests. Some have been pending for quite a while! What's new? Added approximately 6,000 words of new content. La'ard Added "Honey drunk Draconid" enc...
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[Supporters] Build 127 - "Living fleshlight"
October 04, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 7,000 words of new content. Procya Upon revisiting Procya, you can now rent Kuno out instead of being enslaved yourself. T...
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[Supporters] Build 126 - "Slavers in pursuit"
September 27, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! This update adds an event where you can bribe the Sheikh on Ovis and encounter slavers when leaving afterwards. What's new? Added approximately 7,000 words of content Ovis The "Office"...
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[Public] Build 125 - "Planet swap!"
September 20, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! This should've occurred on the first of the month, but I forgor :( What's new? Planet swap! Taun, Metris-2, Sciurus Silva and Hedon can no longer be accessed. Procya, Dionysus, Ovis and...
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[Supporters] Build 125 - "Falsely Imprisoned"
September 20, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy Cadets! Time for another Friday build. In this one, you can ally with Sciurus Metallicum, although it might not turn out how you expect! What's new Added approximately 8,000 words of new content...
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[Supporters] Build 124 - "La'ard Bounty Hunter"
September 13, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build. This one adds the Bounty Hunter encounter to La'ard! What's new? Adds approximately 5,000 words of new content. After becoming the Deity's bride, the next...
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[Supporters] Build 123 - "Player requests"
September 05, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! I'm away at a con this week, so here's a smaller build a day early. These are all suggestions that players have made in the past, so I hope you enjoy 'em! What's new? Added approximatel...
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[Supporters] Build 122 - "Taun Crash Landing"
August 30, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! This build adds a new segment of the Main Quest to Taun and a new GAME OVER. What's new? Added approximately 6,000 words of new content. Taun Added a map to Taun and changed the layout...
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[Supporters] Build 121 - "Karnivora Bounty Hunter"
August 24, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! My sincere apologies for the lack of updates these last two weeks. I moved house and was supposed to get internet installed on the 13th, but the engineer only showed up a few hours ago...
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[Supporters] Build 120 - "Luna Bounty Hunter"
August 09, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! This one adds the first piece of story mode content, a bounty hunter to Luna. What's new? Added approximately 7,000 words of new content. Luna Finding the...
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[Public] Build 119 - "Domoy"
August 02, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! It's time for another public build! What's new? Planet swap! Luna, Metallicum, The Scar, and Dionysus Core have been disabled. Taun, Metris-2, Silva and Hedon have been enabled. What's...
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[Supporters] Build 119 - "Domoy pt.4"
August 02, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! This one adds a brothel to Domoy, a statue to La'ard, and some new little scenes to your ship! What's new? Added approximately 4,000 words of new content...
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[Supporters] Build 118 - "Ivan comes aboard!"
July 26, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build. In this one, Ivan can finally join your crew! What's new? Added approximately 7,000 words of new content. Added a new crewmate: "Ivan the Dom Cowboy"! Iva...
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[Supporters] Build 117 - "Domoy pt.3"
July 19, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 8,000 words of new content. Domoy Added Ivan's third and final bounty. It has a total of 7 Bad Endings, and Ivan joins you...
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[Supporters] Build 116 - "Domoy pt.2"
July 12, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! This one adds the second of Domoy's bounties, available after completing the first one! What's new Added approximately 6,500 words of new content Domoy Ad...
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[Supporters] Build 115 - "Domoy pt.1"
July 05, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build. This one's your first look at Domoy, the Cowboy/BDSM/Bondage planet! What's new? Added approximately 6,000 words of new content. Домой Adds Domoy, a...
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[Public] Build 114 - "Dionysus Core"
July 01, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for a new Public build (I've really gotta get better at remembering these, sorry!) What's new? Planet swap! Metris-2, La'ard, Ovis, and Procya have exited the rotation. Luna, Metal...
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[Supporters] Build 114 - "Dionysus Core pt.5"
June 28, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 4,000 words of new content. Dionysus Core Leisure Module Added new "Scientists" option, where you can either allow them to...
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[Supporters] Build 113 - "Isaac scenes"
June 21, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! This one adds four new scenes for your ship's AI, once he has his new body! What's new? Added approximately 4,000 words of new content. Isaac Added a vari...
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[Patreon] Build 112 - "Dionysus Core pt.4"
June 14, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 5,000 words of content. Dionysus Core Added three new encounters to Dionysus' Lab zone: "Upgrader Unit", "Grey Goo", and "...
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[Patreon] Build 111 - "Dionysus Core pt.3"
June 06, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! I'm away this Friday, so this week's build is going out a day early. There's a lot of setup in this one, so stay tuned for next week's build. It's gonna be a juicy one! What's new? Adde...
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[Patreon] Build 110 - "Neila Extras"
May 31, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 3,000 words of new content. Added four new scenes for Neila, post-recruitment. All cause pregnancy: 'Crush fuck' scene 'Or...
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[Patreon] Build 109 - "Dionysus Core pt.2"
May 24, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for a new build! This one populates the 'Pleasure District' on Dionysus! What's new? Added approximately 4,000 words of new content. Dionysus Pleasure District Added "Hot-Swap Modu...
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[Patreon] Build 108 - "Dionysus Core pt.1"
May 17, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build. This one brings some UI changes and gives you your first look at Dionysus Core, the winner of the 11th planet poll! What's new? Added approximately 4,000...
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[Patreon] Build 107 - "You've got mail! pt.2"
May 10, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! This one expands the Inbox system and adds the first quest to the game! What's new? Adds approximately 4,000 words of new content to the game. The followi...
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[Patreon] Build 106 - "You've got mail!"
May 03, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 3,000 new words of content. Added a new Inbox system, where you can receive contextual messages while playing. Currently,...
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[Patreon] Build 105 - "Karnivora pt.7"
April 26, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for a new Friday build! What's new? Adds approximately 3,000 words of new content. Karnivora Added the "Micro Procyon" encounter to the park (Soft vore, oral, cock, anal) The Scar...
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[Patreon] Build 104 - "Karnivora pt.6"
April 19, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! There's hungry slimes, snakes and foxes in this one! What's new? Added 3,500 words of new content (Bit of a small update this week, health stuff kicked my...
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[Public] Build 103 - "Planet Swap!"
April 12, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Public build! ( I was supposed to do this on the 1st, but I forgor, sorry! ) What's new? Luna, Na'Ja, and Hedon have been removed from the Demo. Metris-2, Ovis, La'ard,...
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[Patreon] Build 103 - "Karnivora pt.5"
April 12, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! I've got a fun one for y'all this week! What's new? Added approximately 8,000 words of new content. Added 5 new pieces of art to the game, done by the very talented @ScorpiaSketches ! D...
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SubscribeStar - Now live!
April 08, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! The SubscribeStar for FOXXX is now live at . For anyone wondering why I made this new page, please refer to these posts:
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[Patreon] Build 102 - "Karnivora pt.4"
April 05, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 6,000 words of new content. Karnivora Finished forest idle scenes (3 total) Finished forest rest scene Finished Hyenid Glu...
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[Patreon] Build 101 - "Karnivora pt.3"
March 29, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build!! What's new? Added approximately 6,000 words of new content Neila Added "Breast worship", "Thighjob", "Anal", "Pegging", and "Cunnilingus" scenes post-rec...
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[Patreon] Build 100 - "Karnivora pt.2 & Save Compatibility"
March 22, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! It's time for another Friday build—the 100th update of FOXXX! What's new? Added approximately 7,000 words of new content. Karnivora Finalised the following scenes Mountain idles Mount...
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[Patreon] Build 99 - "Karnivora pt.1"
March 15, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for you first look at Karnivora, the vore-centric planet! Please be aware that the entire thing is WIP, and that 90% of scenes are placeholders. Hopfully, though, the "vibe" I'm go...
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[Patreon] Build 98 - "Neila pt.2"
March 08, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 6,000 words of new content. Metris-2 Neila (Found at the "Technician's Office") now has 7 sex scenes: "Handjob", "titjob",...
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[Public] Build 97 - "Planet swap!"
March 01, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! It's time for the planets in the free version to rotate! What's new? Taun, La'ard and Metallicum have been removed from the Public build. Na'Ja, Luna, and Hedon have been swapped into t...
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[Patreon] Build 97 - "Neila pt.1"
March 01, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! That's me back from NFC, and I'm only slightly full of Covid! This build isn't as feature-packed as I would've liked, but I'm gonna put some time in over the weekend and make sure the n...
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[Patreon] Build 96 - "Oliver joins your crew!"
February 16, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! In this Friday build, Oliver will now appear on your ship once recruited at 'The Scar'. Expect more scenes for him over the coming weeks! What's new? Added approximately 5,500 words of...
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[Public] Build 95 - Planet Swap
February 09, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for an overdue swap of planets in the Demo! What's new? Luna (General content), Ovis (Slavery & Oviposition content) and Silva (Hyper content) have been swapped out. Taun (Taurs &...
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[Patreon] Build 95 - "The Latex Leviathan"
February 09, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! That's me back from my week off (and feeling much better for it!). This update's a bit larger than usual! What's new? Added approximately 9,500 words of new content. The Scar Added a bo...
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[Patreon] Build 94 - "The Bitchsuit"
January 26, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 4,000 words of content. 'The Scar' Added a new enemy to the 'Latex Swamp', the 'Bitchsuit'. They're a living bondage suit...
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[Patreon] Build 93 - "The Pooltoy Matriarch"
January 19, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! It's time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 7,000 words of new content! 'The Scar' Added the "Pooltoy Matriarch", a 25ft tall inflatable woman, and the boss of '...
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[Patreon] Build 92 - "The Inflator"
January 12, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! This one adds a new enemy to the inflatable zone at "The Scar"! What's new? Added approximately 5,000 words of new content! The Scar Added the second enem...
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[Patreon] Build 91 - "Repeat scenes"
January 05, 2024
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! I was a little ill this week, so focused on adding some repeat scenes for various encounters. What's new? Added approximately 4,000 words of new content. The Scar The Latex Beast, Drago...
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[Patreon] Build 90 - "The Scar (Pt8)"
December 21, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for the last Friday build of 2023! (I know it's Thursday, but I'll be away soon, so this'll give me time to fix any bugs!) What's new? Added approximately 6000 words of new content...
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[Patreon] Build 89 - "The Scar (Pt7)"
December 15, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 5,000 words of new content. The Scar Added 'Queen Timmothy', a joke pre-boss for the Crimson Spire. She's a cameo for @Mou...
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[Patreon] Build 88 - "The Scar (Pt6)"
December 08, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 6,000 words of new content. The Scar Added a new enemy to the "Crimson Spire" path at The Scar. He's a massive, sword-wiel...
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[Public] Build 87 - "Planet Swap!"
December 01, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for a new public build! What's new? Approximately 10,000 words of brand-new content. Planet swap! Ovis (Pets/Slaves/Toys), Silva (Hyper) and Luna (Varied content) are rotating into...
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[Patreon] Build 86 - "The Scar (Pt5)"
November 24, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 4,500 words of new content. The Scar Added the first enemy to the 'Inflatable Beach' zone, the 'Pooltoy Dragon'. They have...
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[Patreon] Build 85 - "Misc. Goodies"
November 17, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 5,500 words of new content. La'ard There's now a hot springs a the top of the mountain which has a strange effect on outsi...
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[Patreon] Build 84 - "The Scar (pt4)"
November 10, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! This Friday build adds a new enemy to the combat system at 'The Scar': The 'Imp'! What's new? Added approximately 7,000 words of new content. 'The Scar' Added the option to travel to ei...
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[Patreon] Build 83 - "The Scar (pt3)"
October 27, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 3,000 words of new content The Scar The "Latex Creature" now has a mechanic where their attacks can inflict a "Latex" stat...
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[Patreon] Build 82 - "The Scar (pt2)"
October 20, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! This one adds the sole occupant of 'The Scar', Oliver the half-demon fox! What's new? Added approximately 6,000 words of new content. 'The Scar' Now has f...
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[Patreon] Build 81 - "The Scar (pt1)"
October 13, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! This build adds your first look at the new battle system. It's VERY rough around the edges, so please be gentle and submit bug-reports if you encounter any! What's new? Added approximat...
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[Public] Build 80 - "Wrestling (Pt2)"
October 06, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another public build! What's new? Added approximately 7,500 words to Hedon. Planet swap: "Procya", "Taun" and "Hedon" are now the planets active in the demo. Hedon Expanded wre...
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[Patreon] Build 79 - "Wrestling (Pt1)"
September 29, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 6,500 words of new content. Hedon The gym now has a "Wrestling" activity. Currently, 2/4 rounds have been implemented. Eac...
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[Patreon] Build 78 - "Eggs, fleshlights, and crewmate extras"
September 22, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! There's a lot in this one! What's new? Added approximately 5,000 words of new content. Ovis Added two new egg types you can encounter when volunteering as...
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[Patreon] Build 77 - "The Tundra"
September 15, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! There's some juicy content in this one! What's new? Added approximately 6,000 words of new content. Ovis When approaching the airlock, you can now rent a...
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[Patreon] Build 76 - "Eggs and Breeding"
September 08, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Adds approximately 4,500 words of new content. Ovis Breeding stalls - Run by a hung Equine man. First arrival and repeat arrival scenes Scenes...
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[Public] Build 75 - Planet Swap (Taun, Metallicum, Na'Ja)
September 01, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for a new public build! What's new? The playable planets are now Taun, Metallicum, and Na'Ja. Taun replaces Procya this month. Added approximately 3,000 words of new content Taun A...
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[Patreon] Build 74 - "Kuno (Part 5)"
August 25, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 5,500 words of new content. Kuno You can now buy a 'De-feathering Tool' and 'Feather restorative' from the slave merchant...
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[Patreon] Build 73 - "Kuno (Part 4)"
August 18, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 6,000 words of new content. Kuno Finalised "Threaten", "Beat down", "Fuck ass", "Fuck slit" and "Choke fuck" scenes. "Fuck...
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[Patreon] Build 72 - "Kuno (Part 3)"
August 11, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for a new Friday build! This one adds to Kuno's content, adds new scenes to Ovis, and fixes some bugs! What's new? Added approximately 4,500 words of new content. Ovis You can now...
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[Patreon] Build 71 - "Kuno (Part 2)"
August 04, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build. This one's a little smaller than usual, following on from Tuesday's Public Build. My apologies! What's new? Added approximately 2,000 words of new content...
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[Public] Build 70 - Planet Switch (Procya, Metallicum, Na'Ja)
August 01, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for the August public build! What's new? The trio of planets in the public build have been changed slightly. Taun has been replaced with Sciurus Metallicum, a planet which plays li...
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[Patreon] Build 69 - "Haha. Nice."
July 28, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for an exciting new Friday build! This one introduces a new planet & crew mate (Kuno the Ovar)! What's new? Added approximately 7,500 words of new content. Ovis This planet's Conte...
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[Patreon] Build 68 - 'Lifeguard Meating'
July 21, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 5,000 words of new content. Sciurus Silva Aliz's "Invite a friend" scene now has a 33% chance to take you to a new "Lifegu...
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[Patreon] Build 67 - 'Pounds For Pounds'
July 14, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! This build brings a new Weight-Gain Gameshow to La'ard, as well as some QoL changes. Apologies if this update is a little rough around the edges. Health stuff has been kicking my ass th...
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[Patreon] Build 66 - "Shark girls & Data logs"
July 07, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build. This one expands Aliz' content on Silva and adds new lore to Taun. What's new? Added approximately 4,000 words of new content. Sciurus Silva Extended "Get...
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[Public] Build 65 - Planet Switch!
June 30, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another start-of-the-month Public build! What's new? Planet switch The planets now available in the demo are Na'Ja (Hypno content), Taun (Varied content), and Procya (Chastity...
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[Patreon] Build 64 - "HammerSpace Module"
June 23, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! This Friday build adds a new merchant to Sciurus Silva, and a few goodies you can buy from them. What's new? Added approximately 7,000 words of new content. Sciurus Silva Added a Gift S...
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[Patreon] Build 63 - "Enhancements Department"
June 16, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday Patreon build! What's new? Added approximately 4,500 words of new content. Sciurus Silva Added a new zone to the "Growth Centre", the "Enhancements Department"...
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[Patreon] Build 62 - "The Growth Centre"
June 09, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! What's new? Added approximately 5,000 words of new content Silva Added a new "Growth Centre" location. It's pretty bare bones at the moment, but lots of stuff is planned for it! Added v...
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[Public] Build 61 - "Misc extras"
June 02, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! It's time for the June Public build! What's new? Added approximately 5,000 words of new content. Luna Added a "Slime" encounter to the "Wander aimlessly" pool of events. There's a bad e...
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[Patreon] Build 60 - "More crewmate scenes"
May 26, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! What's new? Added approximately 5,000 words of new content. Added new scenes to Miles' content (Examine, Touch, Suck, Get harnessed & get ruined) Added a new scene where you can use Mil...
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[Patreon] Build 59 - "Crewmate bunks, vore, and more"
May 19, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Patreon Friday build! Had a bit of an odd week, but I hope you'll enjoy the new content regardless! What's new? Added approximately 4,000 words of new content Ship Adde...
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[Patreon] Build 58 - "First crewmate and artwork galore!"
May 12, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! This build expands Miles' content and allows you to recruit him as a crewmate. It also introduces a ton of new artwork from the very talented (And very lovely) @danfoxxdraws ! What's ne...
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[Patreon] Build 57 - "Sciurus Silva pt1"
May 05, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! This week's Patreon build is full of hyper content! What's new? Added approximately 6,500 words of new content Added 'Sciurus Silva', a new planet with a focus on hyper content. Added p...
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[Public] Build 56 - "Engine upgrade"
May 01, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for a public build! What's new since the last public build? Engine upgrade - Adds a collapsible sidebar. The old dropdown menu has been removed. The old "Settings" menu has been di...
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[Patreon] Build 56 - "Engine Upgrade (pt2.)"
April 28, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 500 words of new content. Procya Added two new events ("Offered a drink" and "Mean teasing") Metallicum Finished porting S...
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[Patreon] Build 55 - "Engine Upgrade (pt1.)"
April 21, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for this week's Friday build. It was a real tough one this week, so expect a few bugs here and there! What's new? The game now runs on 'Twine Sugarcube' instead of 'Twine Harlowe'...
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[Patreon] Build 54 - "Drone kiosk"
April 14, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Adds approximately 4,000 words of new content. Na'Ja Added a content warning if you have your content warning setting set to "High". Added a n...
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[Patreon] The sixth planet poll!
April 10, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! A new planet poll is available over on Patreon ! In this poll, I've included a non-planet option: " Engine Upgrade ". For the last few months, I've been working on porting the game from...
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[Patreon] Build 53 - "Souvenir shop"
April 07, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 6,000 words of new content. Na'Ja Added a souvenir shop where you can buy three new items for your ship (Cassette tape, st...
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[Public] Build 52 - "Taun Warchief and Pleasure sphere"
April 03, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for the April public build! What's new in the public build? Added approximately 5,000 words of new content. Taun Reaching the edges of the map now offer four new bad endings (Panth...
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[Patreon] Build 52 - "Taun Warchief and Pleasure sphere"
March 31, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 5,000 words of new content. Taun Reaching the edges of the map now offer four new bad endings (Panther mutate, Tentacle ki...
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[Patreon] Build 51 - "Na'Ja Pt.2"
March 24, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! What's new in this build? Adds approximately 7,000 words of new content. Na'Ja You can now discover your past self in the psychic airlock once you've bad-ended in it. They have a unique...
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[Patreon] Build 50 - "Na'Ja"
March 17, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! This build offers your first look at Na'Ja, a planet dominated by powerful telepaths and mind-altering technologies! What's new Added approximately 8,000 words of new content. New plane...
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[Patreon] Build 49 - "Extra chems"
March 03, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! A new Friday build is available for Patrons. What's new? Added approximately 6,000 words of new content. Hedon Added "Mindbreaker Toxin", "UltraCal pill" and "Squeak-Screen" to the Chem...
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[Public] Build 48 - "Shipyard content"
March 01, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! It's time for another monthly build. What's new since the last public build? Added approximately 7,500 words of new content New codex entries Added an entry for Ovis Added an entry for...
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[Patreon] Build 47 - "Feast and holodeck"
February 24, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 4,000 words of new content. La'ard Added a new "Feast" event - You can pick a man, a woman, or volunteer yourself for a ba...
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[Patreon] Build 46 - "Ship upgrades"
February 17, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? New content Adds approximately 3,000 words of new content. Adds a new "Shipyard" location where you can buy ship upgrades. Currently, you can...
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[Patreon] Build 45 - "Latex creatures, chems and other goodies"
February 10, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! A new Friday build is available on Patreon! What's new? New content Added approximately 4,000 words of new content Sciurus Metallicum Added a new creature, "Living latex". It has a cont...
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[Patreon] Build 44 - "Tentacles and containment breaches"
February 03, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for a new Friday build! What's new since yesterday's public build? New content Added approximately 3,000 words of new content. Sciurus Metallicum Added "Tentacle Beast" to the crea...
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[Public] Build 43 - "Fixes and changes"
February 02, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for an update to the Demo! What's new since the last Demo build? New content Added approximately 3,000 words of new content since the last Demo build. Added Metris-2 "Fucksuit" enc...
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[Patreon] Build 42 - "Shocks and fixes"
January 27, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy Cadets, Time for a new Friday build! Mostly fixes in this one, plus a few miscellanous new scenes. What's new? Added approximately 2,000 words of new content Metris-2 Added "Fuck suit" random en...
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[Patreon] Build 41 - Bug fix
January 21, 2023
Cottage Games
Apologies, Cadets. I'm uploading a bug-fix for the new hyper content. What's fixed? Fixed a bug where the hyper ray would write its description into the menu instead of the text area, hard-locking the...
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[Patreon] Build 41 - "Sciurus Metallicum Pt.4"
January 20, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for a new Friday build! What's new? Adds approximately 3,500 words of new content. Sciurus Metallicum Added hyper cock content (Hyper ray & scan descriptions). The maximum cock wei...
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[Patreon] Build 40 - "Sciurus Metallicum Pt.3"
January 13, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Adds approximately 3,500 words of new content Sciurus Metallicum Adds hyper breast trackers to the test subject system, and allows you to targ...
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[Patreon] Build 39 - "Bigger test subjects"
January 06, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Another Friday build is now available for Patrons. What's new? Added approximately 4,000 words of content. Sciurus Metallicum Added size and weight trackers for the test subject's balls...
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[Public] Build 38 - "Flora & Fauna"
January 01, 2023
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for the first public build of 2023! What's new since the last public build? Adds approximately 4,000 words of new content. Luna The deep-sea lab's Megalodon encounter now has a bad...
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[Patreon] Build 37 - "Catcher Plant"
December 30, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Here's another Friday build. This one is mainly fixes and changes, but does feature some new content. What's new? Added approximately 1,200 words of new content Added new "Catcher Plant...
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[Patreon] Build 36 - "Sciurus Metallicum Pt.2"
December 23, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for a new Patreon build! What's new? Added approximately 2,500 words of new content. Added a "Player - Unsure" image to the title screen. You'll be excited to know that 9 more imag...
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[Patreon] Build 35 - "Sciurus Metallicum Pt.1"
December 16, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for a new Friday Patreon build! What's new? Adds approximately 5,000 words of new content. Sciurus Metallicum This new prison-planet has been added to the game. The main "gimmick"...
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[Patreon] Results - The fourth planet poll!
December 12, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Domoy and Sciurus Metallicum tied in the poll (29% each). Ultimately, I've picked what I feel is the more fleshed out of the two: Sciurus Metallicum. So what's it going to be like? Sciu...
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[Patreon] Build 34 - "Fixes!"
December 09, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 3,500 words of new content New content Hedon The "Chem Dispensary" is now an actual merchant. You can ask about chems, try...
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[Patreon] Build 33 - "Megalodon"
December 02, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! A small follow-on build form yesterday's public build. What's new? Adds approximately 500 new words of content. Luna Adds a bad ending to the Megalodon (15ft shark) encounter in the Lun...
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[Public] Build 32 - "Lakó"
December 01, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for the December public build! What's new since the last public build? Added approximately 6,000 words of new content. Luna Expanded the Orcidian encounter while exploring the ocea...
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[Patreon] The fourth planet poll!
November 28, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! A new planet poll is available over on Patreon ! The options: N a ' J a - A "Psionic burn" planet where special safety equipment is mandatory for non-psionic individuals. The planet is...
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[Patreon] Build 31 - "Procya (Part 3)"
November 25, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for a new Friday build! (Sorry it came out so late today! :<) What's new? Added approximately 4,500 words of content. Player's ship The Bridge, Captain's Quarters, AI Core, Hub and...
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[Patreon] Build 30- "Procya (Part 2)"
November 18, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for a new Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 8,500 words of new content. Procya Added a Debt and WillPower system. These are currently WIP. Added 15 new bad ends to Proc...
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[Patreon] Build 29 - "Procya (Part 1)"
November 11, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Here's your first look at the planet Procya! It plays like a text-based roguelite (Although fail states are coming in next week's build!) What's new? Added approximately 7,500 words of...
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[Patreon] Build 28 - "La'ard part 7 (Finale)"
November 04, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Adds 4,000 words of new content La'ard - Mountain area Open the door (Can fail, but succeeds if you've bad-ended in the ritual) Deity reveal s...
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[Public] Build 27 - "Quality passes"
November 01, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for the November public build. What's new in this public build? Added approximately 4,000+ words of new content Luna Quality pass - Fixed a dozen or so typos. The following scenes...
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[Patreon] Build 26 - "La'ard part 6"
October 28, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Adds approximately 4,500 words of new content La'ard Added new "Mountain" area (Lots of WOTG references here) Added ability to ask Idella abou...
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[Patreon] The third planet poll!
October 26, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for the next planet to be decided! The following planet options are available for 'Explorer' tier Patrons and above. Results to be announced on the 7th of November. Na'Ja - A "psio...
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[Patreon] Build 25 - "La'ard part 5"
October 21, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Adds approximately 3,500 words of new content La'ard "Order a soda" scenes and bad ending added to the fast food joint. Metris-2 Added "Ask he...
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[Patreon] Build 24 - "La'ard part 4"
October 14, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! A new Friday build is available on Patreon! What's new? Added approximately 5,000 words of new content La'ard - Visitor room "Work out" scenes. Cannot be accessed if you've crossed the...
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[Public] Build 23 - "Planet-hopping goodies"
October 07, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Here's the public build for this month! Apologies that this didn't go out on the first of the month as planned. What's new since the last public build? 2,500 words of new content have b...
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[Patreon] Build 23 - "La'ard part 3"
October 07, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! There's another Friday build available up on the Patreon. What's new? Added 5,000 words of new content. New planet-hopping events (These fire with a 30% chance whenever you travel to th...
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[Patreon] Build 22 - "La'ard part 2"
September 30, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 4,500 words of new content. Added the "Fields" area to La'ard. It's currently used for slime-inflation encounters. Added t...
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[Patreon] Build 21 - "La'ard part 1"
September 23, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! This week's Friday build is all about setting up the foundation for the new weight-gain planet, "La'ard". What's new? Adds approximately 4,000 words of new content. La'ard (Part 1) Ther...
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[Patreon] Results - The second planet poll!
September 16, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! "La'ard" won the poll over on Patreon. It's a weight-gain-centric planet run by an old Terran cult. It'll have big guys, bigger meals, and maybe even a few references to my previous gam...
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[Patreon] Build 20 - "Hedon Post-Bad-Ends"
September 16, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! A new Friday build is available for Patrons! What's new? Added approximately 3,500 words of new content The following scenes were added to Hedon and have a chance of firing after gettin...
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[Patreon] The second planet poll!
September 09, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! The second planet poll for FOXXX is now active over on Patreon. "Explorer" tier and above will be voting for one of the following planets: Na'Ja - A "psionic burn planet" that is deadly...
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[Patreon] Build 19 - "Hedon Bad Endings"
September 09, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Time for another Friday build! This one may be a little buggy, there was an engine update last night that wrecked a ton of stuff, and I had to hurry to fix it all! What's new? Added bad...
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[Patreon] Build 18 - "Hedon (Part 4)"
September 02, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Here's another Friday build! What's new? Added approximately 3,000 words of new content. You can now access the Nightclub on Hedon Before entry, you need to "Prove yourself" to the boun...
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[Public] Build 17 - "Hypno visor extension"
August 30, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! It's time for the monthly public build. What's new in the Public build? Approximately 4,000 words have been added to the public build this month. New hypno visor content The "Locker roo...
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[Patreon] Build 16 - "Hedon (Part 3)"
August 26, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy Cadets! Another Friday build is available on the Patreon. I unfortunately fell ill towards the end of the week, so the nightclub content didn't make it into this build. Sorry! :( What's new? Add...
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[Patreon] Build 15 - "Hedon (Part 2)"
August 19, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy Cadets! Another Friday build is available for Patrons! What's new? Adds approximately 5,000 words of new content. Hedon Beach content has been expanded. 'Beach - Sunbathe' scene is now fully wri...
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[Patreon] Build 14 - "Hedon (Part 1)"
August 12, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! A new Friday build is available for Patrons! This is the first content for the planet Hedon, which won the first planet poll. What's new? This update adds approximately 3,000 words of n...
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[Patreon] Build 13 - "The Mechanist"
August 05, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Another Friday build is now available on Patreon! What's new? Adds approximately 4,000 words of new content Adds a new NPC to Metris-2 named "The Mechanist" They're a Na'Ja (Snake man)...
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[Public] Build 12 - "Procyon Wares"
July 31, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Here's the first "First of the month" public build! Since all the new Patreon content was on Demo planets, you get access to everything this month. In future, anything on non-Demo plane...
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[Patreon] Build 11 - "Queen's harem"
July 29, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! A new Patreon build is available! What's new? Added approx 3,000 words of new content Expanded the Nova Poseidonis Queen's content. You can now spend time with her harem after you join...
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[Patreon] Build 10 - "Nova Poseidonis"
July 22, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! Here's the first Friday Patreon build! What's new? This update contains approximately 6,000 words of new content. Nova Poseidonis Added a new location you can discover when exploring th...
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[Patreon] The first planet poll!
July 17, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! The first planet poll is available for 'Explorer' tier Patrons and above at ! The options in this pol l Hedon - A himbo paradise where the longer yo...
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The FOXXX Patreon is live!
July 16, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadet! The Patreon for FOXXX is now live at ! It'd mean the world to me if you'd support my weird little project. Why should I pledge? Every Friday, you'll...
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Build 9 - "Luna extras"
July 15, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! What's new? Added 7,000 words of new content. Expanded the Luna "Cultist" content. You can now revisit the crater for different scenes. It progresses from sex, to a bad end, to a second...
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Build 8 - "Kept you waiting, huh?"
June 25, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadets! It's been a long time coming, but I finally have more content for you! What's new? Content (Approx. 20,000 words ) The bartender on Metris-2 now has a 25% chance to mess with your drink...
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Return to active development
June 08, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy! After over 100 days working on other projects, development on FOXXX is now continuing. What to expect in the next update: UI improvements Comfort menu & accessibility options Codex (Accessible...
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Build 7 - "Taun Expedition"
February 17, 2022
Cottage Games
Howdy, Cadet. It's been a while, but I've got a juicy update for you! What's new? Changed navigation on Taun: Instead of selecting areas, you now have to travel across the planet's surface. Locations...
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Build 6 - 'Sea lab'
December 28, 2021
Cottage Games
When exploring the ocean on Luna, you can find an abandoned lab, then explore it from the Luna expeditions menu. New Megalodon encounter. New Slug encounter. New Downgrader Helmet encounter...
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Build 5 - 'Tentacle fates'
December 04, 2021
Cottage Games
Little update. 'Red Ravagers' tentacle variant Expanded content and added a 75% chance for a "find your clone" scene to play if you bad-end to them more than once. Can find a used and abused clone. 'O...
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Build 4 - 'Blue Bursters'
December 02, 2021
Cottage Games
It's tentacle time. 'Blue Bursters' Added a new type of tentacle to the forest on Taun. It will cumflate the player if they get caught. 'Purple Persuaders' Expanded the bad end 'Clone Shenanigans' If...
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Build 3 - Bug fix 3
November 29, 2021
Cottage Games
Bugfix! The respawn room now has a counter so that you know what iteration of yourself you are. The "Explore ocean" content now displays correctly. The Metris-2 "portal panties" bad end is now offered...
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Build 3 - Bug fix 2
November 28, 2021
Cottage Games
Corrected some spelling and grammar in the introduction...
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Build 3 - Bug fix 1
November 27, 2021
Cottage Games
Fixed a bug where the Drive Centre was misnamed (Darn you, American spell-check!) Fixed a bug where masturbation options would throw an error...
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