[Patreon] Build 108 - "Dionysus Core pt.1"

Howdy, Cadets!

Time for another Friday build. This one brings some UI changes and gives you your first look at Dionysus Core, the winner of the 11th planet poll!

What's new?

  • Added approximately 4,000 words of new content.
  • Dionysus Core
    • Added a new planet to the game, themed around cyborgs, robots, and sexual devices.
    • Added arrival variants, including one to Hedon for if you visit it after Dionysus, and vice versa.
    • Added three sub-locations (Local Node, Leisure Module, Pleasure District)
    • Added "Help with security" and "Charging station" sex scenes
  • Neila
    • Added vaginal sex scene
    • All pregnancy messages (1-10 kids) are now accessible, and fire if Neila is pregnant and you engage travel to a planet.
    • If Miles is onboard, there's a 30% chance he'll knock her up whenever you travel.
  • UI Overhaul
    • The Inbox, Codex, Graphics and Preferences menus now use the Dialog API. This means you can open the Inbox and Codex at any time, without the page reloading. For the Graphics and Preferences menus, a page reload is still required, but I'm looking into it!
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed a formatting error in the DreadKnot content on Metallicum.
    • Fixed a bug where the Hub area on the ship would display no text.



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Yay robots!

Also on the Neila section you wrote "plant" I assume you meant planet?

Sorry for being annoying xD 


I did indeed. Thank you for pointing that out!

Since it's a robot themed planet will there be any chance of new content with the ship itself? The scene when you try to fight back was pretty good!


Planned :9


Hmm, I wonder who that Miles guy is


It's a mystery :)