[Supporters] Build 119 - "Domoy pt.4"

Howdy, Cadets!

Time for another Friday build! This one adds a brothel to Domoy, a statue to La'ard, and some new little scenes to your ship!

What's new?

  • Added approximately 4,000 words of new content.
  • Domoy
    • Added a brothel with two employees. The first, "Gentle" is unlocked at the start, and the second "Rough" is unlocked after recruiting Ivan.
  • Ship
    • Added three new "crewmates interacting" scenes. Ivan can interact with Neila, Oliver and Miles at various places throughout your ship.
  • La'ard
    • Added a statue of Bertha, from 'Worshippers of the gain'. This was done as a throwback, and as a hint on what names you can use to charm the Deity into realising you're a "player".
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed a formatting bug when buying a 'Happy Horse' android.

Next week: The first story mode additions! Stay tuned!



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Story mode? Can't wait!