[Patreon] Build 112 - "Dionysus Core pt.4"

Howdy, Cadets!

Time for another Friday build!

What's new?

  • Added approximately 5,000 words of content.
  • Dionysus Core
    • Added three new encounters to Dionysus' Lab zone: "Upgrader Unit", "Grey Goo", and "Female Dionysian". The former leads to a bad ending and also has a post-bad-end variant as well.
    • You can now buy your AI a new body from the Cybernetics Merchant, and there's new dialogue to ask how they like it. Adult scenes for your AI with a body ("Isaac"), will arrive next week!
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed a bug where the checks to see if you'd been to The Scar before were referencing the Ovis checks instead.
    • Fixed a bug where crewmate bunks would be described as empty despite having active crewmates. Also added new flavour text for Kuno, Neila and Oliver, which display when you have them recruited and visit the bunks.


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